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What is Colonoscopy?

Colorectal cancer, Colon Polyp (polyp, lump)
Ulcerative colitis, Intestinal tuberculosis, Crohns disease, Ischemic enteritis
Contagious colon disease (amoebic, heterogeneous, typhoid, virus, etc.)
Diverticular disease, Anorectal lesions

Cases that need colonoscopy

  • 1Bleeding during defecation
  • 2Recent bowel habit change
  • 3Pain, usually lower abdominal pain
  • 4Symptoms in colon such as constipation and diarrhea
  • 5Iron-deficiency anemia that has an unclear cause or positive result in a fecal occult blood test
  • 6Diagnosis and treatment of colon polyp (cystis) and follow-up test after treatment
  • 7Screening test of colorectal cancer, in case there are colorectal cancer patients among family members
  • 8Checking abnormality in colon study

Diseases that can be diagnosed by colonoscopy

  • 1Important to prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer, which is called a cancer of developed country,
    in advance with a regular colonoscopy
  • 2In proctoscopy and colonoscopy, an endoscope is inserted through the anus to directly observe and monitor
    the lesion inside the rectum and colon, and when there is a lesion, a biopsy is carried out to diagnose a disease.