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What is Dizziness?

It refers to a symptom that a patient feels him/herself or surrounding objects are moving, even though they are not..
Since dizziness is a very common symptom, most people consider it to be trivial. However, diagnosis and treatment through an accurate investigation of the cause are necessary. Dizziness is divided into peripheral dizziness due to disorder in the internal ear, and central dizziness due to disorder in the central nervous system in the brain. Since central dizziness can be an initial symptom of stroke, it can leave serious aftereffects if its diagnosis and treatment are late. Thus it is very important to receive treatment by a neurologist.

Symptoms of Dizziness

  • Brain MRI
  • Blood Test,

    Anemia, arrhythmia
  • Brain MRI or CT
    Structural disorder
    of brain
  • Cerebral Blood
    Flow Test

    Blood circulation
    of cerebral blood
  • Scalar Vestibuli

    Ears, head